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Brand new - questions.

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Todd G:

Your theme ideas are mostly list based...that is, they're lists of related items and that's about it.  These are nowadays considered boring by your average editor, and aren't likely to be published.  For instance, one of my earliest submissions to Will Shortz was a puzzle with five 15-letter song titles, all #1 songs.  Will said no.

Your idea of using ROCKOFAGES to tie the bands together adds an interesting twist and could maybe work...if it matched the theme entries.  For instance using IRONBUTTERFLY and THESTONEROSES (Iron Age, Stone Age).  Then ROCKOFAGES makes a great final theme entry.

Another idea is to take your idea of back up bands...and put them in the grid vertically and in reverse, so the bands go "back up" the grid.  That would add an interesting and novel twist.

But avoid themes that are just lists of related entries, they aren't likely to be published.

Good luck!


P.S.:  Another early submission had the theme entries TIEAYELLOW / RIBBONROUNDTHE / OLEOAKTREE, where I also managed to place TONY, ORLANDO, AND, DAWN strategically in order in the grid (not clued with respect to the group).  It too was rejected.

But I still think it's a pretty cool puzzle.


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