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Author Topic: LAT Mon. 12/20 Gary Cee  (Read 4906 times)


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LAT Mon. 12/20 Gary Cee
« on: December 20, 2010, 09:00:16 AM »

It gives you gas   PUMP
Pop your pop might have liked   NEHI [also can give you gas]
Where the toys are   CHEST [sounds like “Where the Boys Are”]
Theme: compound words (phrases) each part of which can precede the word game
With 40-Across, in an advantageous position…   AHEADOFTHEGAME [each of the word segments can literally be ahead of the {word} game: MEMORY, CARD, PAJAMA, PARTY, etc. 

This proves that Monday puzzles can be easy yet fun.  I'd vote this the best Monday puzzle of 2010.

RATING:  ;D ;DThree grins = Excellent: Loved it; Two grins = Good: Enjoyed it; One grin = Satisfactory: A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Unsatisfying: No fun


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