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Author Topic: LAT Sun. 7/1 John Lieb  (Read 4698 times)


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LAT Sun. 7/1 John Lieb
« on: July 01, 2012, 09:32:31 AM »
Theme: the word WORLD eliminated in a phrase, which if added to its end makes another phase --- I think.

Good Ones:
Double eagle in a PGA event?   SHOT HEARD ROUND THE {WORLD}{WORLD}TOUR
Hank Aaron’s 715 home run, at the time?   BRAVE NEW {WORLD}{WORLD}RECORD
Character in Scooby-Doo?   HYPHEN [thought it was another cartoon/TV show I know nothing about --- didn’t notice the question mark at first, so sure I was that I had no chance]
Lemon aids?   TOWS
Explosive trial   NTEST
Cord under a tarp   WOOD [I thought a wrapping aid]
One who isn’t with us   FOE [not the dead]
Hail Mary’s, often   PENANCE [not passes]

By the Way:
Tall, dark, and handsome   MANLY [I’m short, bald, and homely --- but my wife thinks I’m manly, I think.  You know, like Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti.]

“Fun, fun, fun” car   TBIRD [amazing how pop songs stick with us --- a happy memory]

Off-rd. ride   ATV [never know if its UTE or ATV, or if there’s a difference]

Site of the first cover-up?   EDEN [or is it earth?]

Who knew?:
Kathniss’s weapon in Hunger Games was a BOW, or who Kathniss was, or what Hunger Games is about.

LOU was Hoover’s wife, or who Hoover is.

DACES were related to carps.

RATING:  ;D ;D ;D Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun


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