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Author Topic: LAT Fri. 6/22 Horwitz & Orbach  (Read 4670 times)


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LAT Fri. 6/22 Horwitz & Orbach
« on: June 22, 2012, 09:31:15 AM »
Possible Title: Don’t Forget Your Umbrella

Theme: The word rain misspelled in phrases creating new meanings

Good Ones:
Jig performed by Wilson of The Office   RAINNDANCE [if you know Rainn Wilson]
Postponement… or what was not performed…   RAINCHECK [but a rain check is not a postponement --- needs "stub" e.g.]
Ozzy Osborne duo?   ZEDS [he’s a Brit so that’s how he says Z; he has two Z's in his name; and he sang duos]
One cued up for petrol   BRIT [both “cued up” and “petrol” are British terms]
Toy-saving org.   ASPCA [not sure why there’s a hyphen, but “toys” is a classification of dogs]
I enjoyed going from the sublime to the ridiculous [IAGO to GASTON; EYRE to Ozzy; Rochester to NIKI Taylor {who?}; NOTI to SLOSHED]

By the Way:
And when did AGITA become English? Guess it was when GELT and TUSH assed their way in.  Actually, I like the fact that English has adopted terms from other languages.  It’s just that I’m not convinced that AGITA is used much by anyone but Italian-Americans (Italicans).

Mill story?   RUMOR [I’m so out of it I thought John Stuart Mill.]

Who knew?:
John Ratzenberger was a voice in Monsters, Inc. or that YETI was a character --- and I saw the movie! (but my granddaughter probably knows the character)

RATING:   ;D ;D ;D Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun


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