Forum > Today's Puzzles

LAT Sun. 2/5 Mark Bickham


Undercover Copse [not COPS but a grove]

Theme: 12 trees hidden in phrases: BALSA, LIME, LEMON, TEAK, FIR, FIG, ELM, ASH, PINE, OAK, PECAN, YEW  --- impressive!
Record holder?   EXCON
Piece keeper   HOLSTER
Athletic supporter?   TEE
It’s in an old way   TIS [without the comma it’s tough to see right off]
Mysterious character   RUNE
Giant sound   FUM [as in “Fi, Fie, Fo, Fum…”]

 ;) Mark must like the italianate: St. NICOLA [Peltz]; PAISANO; Mamma MIA [Farrow?]

 ??? “Baloney!”   PSHAW [never understood this interjection {onomatopoeia?} since I never heard anyone say it --- I’ve only read it]

Who knew:
ELEANORA Fagan was Billie Holiday?
MIB was a marble [I thought it was the game, not a specific one --- is this correct?]

“Stupid me”   DOH [should be DUH]
Twice cinq   DIX [I'd go with Dorothea or the fort]

RATING:   ;D ;D ;D Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun

DOH is good -'oh!
It's a Homerism :)

Doh!  Guess I'm just hep; I'd know a Spoonersim when I saw one but not hip enough to know a Homerism --- which I'm confident is from the TV show The Simpsons.  I am rather well-versed, however, in the niceties of The Jersey Shore, The Jerry Springer Show, and Gilligan's Island. ::)


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