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crossword apps


Any opinions about crossword-solving apps for various mobile devices? We've downloaded "Crosswords" and "CRUX" for iPad and iPhone, but haven't spent much time with either yet. We have no Android or Windows-based devices, so we haven't  explored that area.

We're also curious to know which apps supply crosswords made by us and Henry Hook (originally for the Boston Globe, but the rights revert to us). We've been in touch with the developers of several apps (including the ones we have on our iPad); there may be others we don't know about.

--Emily and Henry

Shortyz is an excellent app for Androids. Manages many daily/weekly puzzles, allows for NY Times subscription login, lots of settings for the solving experience, etc.

Any opinions out there on the iPad apps? Apparently the NY Times has a specific Crossword app, but it does *not* appear to recognize an already extant online subscription. What gives, NYT?

Hi, Hank & Em. Just wanted to say hi. I know nothing of xwd apps. Love, Steph


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