Forum > Today's Puzzles

LAT Tue. 9/6 Peter Koetters


Porcine Ends

Org. for piece lovers?   NRA
Cat’s pause?   NAP
What keeps bloomers up?   STEMS
Microsturgeons?   ROE
Theme:  Phrases the first word of which can follow “pig”
Girlish hairstyles {and theme}   PIGTAILS

To whom “Howdy, stranger” is often said   OUTOFTOWNER [I’d clue it “Stranger in Westerns” because no one says it unless it’s to a friend one hasn’t seen in awhile --- one’s town has nothing to do with it.]

RATING:   ;D ;D Three grins = Excellent: Loved it; Two grins = Good: Enjoyed it; One grin = Satisfactory: A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Unsatisfying: No fun


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