Forum > Today's Puzzles

LAT Tue. 12/21 Steve Salitan


All Wet

Going badly in the mil.?   AWOL
French noodles?   TETES [it’s good if you know French* --- may be trouble if you know Spanish]
Theme: types of rain in last words of random phrases
Phenomenon described by the ends of [phrases]…   RAIN [neat that the theme summary is the last word of the puzzle and that the rain gets successively harder]

I get the feeling we should steel ourselves for a tough week considering the difficulty of this Tuesday opus:
MOHS crossing both YEHUDI and CRESC which abut
PYRRHIC doing the same
EBRO crossing ATRIcrossed by HAI

Not wild about DRONEBEE and CAKESPRINKLES since we usually don’t see these combinations; we see drone without bee and sprinkles without cake.

RATING: ;D ;DThree grins = Excellent: Loved it; Two grins = Good: Enjoyed it; One grin = Satisfactory: A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Unsatisfying: No fun

* For a discussion on foreign terms, click on “Forum” tab, look under “General Discussion” (page 2) and select ZENOPHOBIA.


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