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Seeking causal mentor


Greetings all,

I'm new to construction and seeking a mentor. By mentor, I mean someone to causally bounce ideas off. Im a full time accountant. That being said, I do aspire to create puzzles that are of a quality high enough to be published.

After reading the sage advice column, I decided it would be wise to introduce myself. My name is Marty, I'm 32, and I am an amateur crossword crusher. I also hope that constructing puzzles will improve my ability to solve.

If you have experience with construction and don't mind showing me the ropes, please feel free to contact me.


Marty -

I'm by no means the best potential mentor around - I get busy on occasion with my day job, and I have no illusions of being a great constructor - but I'm happy to provide any help that I can if you'd like.  E-mail me at if you want to discuss it further.

- VB


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