Forum > Today's Puzzles

Sat., 10/24 Barry Silk


THEME:   none, but only 28 blocks
Mystery novel cover-up?   DUST JACKET   
Springsteen's birthplace?   THE USA [from his "Born in the USA"]   
Hamburger's link   UND [I know it's German, but we see it in titles --- and it's clever]   
Food processors   ENZYMES [I thought machines]   
Social worker?   ANT [so is MAN (or humankind --- can't dis the distaff)]   
Professional runner?   POL   
Case, for example: Abbr.   SYN [maybe this means synonym, which case can be --- but in any case it's too far afield for me]   
Aptly name sleep aid   ZZZQUILL [not sure about the aptnes of -QUILL; seems ZZZ would be sufficient]   
BELT SANDER gets good use in my wood shop, but it does not sand belts. :)

SCREW PLATE is used in machine shops as a gauge for taps (hole makers).
RATING:    ;D ;D
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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