Forum > Today's Puzzles

Fr., 6/20 Jacob Stulberg


THEME:   last part of a phrase is the name of a vegetable that usually ends in -S
Memorable snack food slogan {& theme}   BETCHA CANT / EAT JUST ONE [hard to eat just one HOP or CHIVE]   
A little light   RAY [I thought SHY]   
Quite a stretch   EON [perhaps the greatest example of litote (understatement)  ever --- even for Brits]    :D
Desolate   HARSH [the clue means lonely; the "answer" means rough]   
Sky, to Sarkozy   CIEL [but not to us]   
RATING: ;D ;D   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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