Forum > Today's Puzzles

Sat., 4/5 Barry C. Silk


THEME:   none, but 30 blocks
Crucible setting   LAB [I thought the play and paid no attention to the missing "The"]   
Wind up on a stage?   OBOE [short i]   
Crossing LARS with EADS is unsporting though I guessed LARS because it's a familiar name.   
Crossing YAY with NYS is also unsportsmanlike given "Mt. Marcy" is hardly Mt. Rushmore and YAY is anybody's guess.   
[lest you think my carping is sour grapes, I solved this guy perfectly in ink]   
RATING: ;D ;D   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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