Forum > Today's Puzzles

LAT Thu. 11/18 John Doppler Schiff


O, Yes

Chants of a lifetime?   MANTRAS
It can raise dough   YEAST
Ewe kids   SHEEP
Bad start?   MAL
Highest Russian territory, once   MIR
Theme: add O to a phrase
Beatle in a bout?   BOXINGRINGO

Rio hello   OLA [it is a leaf in our language]
Essen to Leipzig, locally   OST [in our language it is a combining form for bone]

RATING: ;D ;DThree grins = Excellent: Loved it; Two grins = Good: Enjoyed it; One grin = Satisfactory: A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Unsatisfying: No fun

For a discussion on foreign terms, click on “Forum” tab, look under “General Discussion” (page 2) and select ZENOPHOBIA.


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