Forum > Today's Puzzles

LAT Wed. 11/17 Fred Piscop



Burrough’s swinger   TARZAN
Theme: liver-, knock-, and bratwurst
…what this crossword might be   WURSTPUZZLEEVER

NASA “walks”   EVAN [Since the answer is the person who quit, the clue should be “walker.”  Or am I missing something?]

RATING:  ;D ;DThree grins = Excellent: Loved it; Two grins = Good: Enjoyed it; One grin = Satisfactory: A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Unsatisfying: No fun

Eric Maddy:
NASA Walks is "EVAS", with the S crossing "TESTY".

Hi, Eric---

Don't know what TENTY means, so the answer had to be EVAS, the abbreviation.  I guess I knew EVAN Horowitz [don't ask me how] had quit the program and wrote it in before checking that all the answers made sense.  I really ought to check my work or hire an editor. 

I truly appreciate your taking the time to pick me up on my miscues.  And I apologize to the throngs who read my posts.



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